I believe…
that you already have what it takes,
that a foundational sales strategy will transform your business,
and that you don’t need to do it alone.
Oh heyyyy! I’m Krista.
Wife to my supportive husband Brian, mom to the three most amazing kids on the planet (no bias here obviouslyyy), sales strategist, business coach, podcast host, Peloton junkie, Real Housewives lover + and your front row fan.
I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania and my first big dream was to become a Penn State cheerleader…
…but I quickly discovered that cheering on people who want more for their life is what I was born to do.
I took my 8 years as a clinical counselor and my 11 years building a multi-million dollar sales team from the ground up and created a program that will help you build a business + sales foundation that will stand the test of time (and whatever crazy update that Instagram decides to throw our way).
I started from the bottom and now I’m here.
(thanks Drake for that moment of lyrical genius)
Okay…maybe not the “bottom”.
But I’m no stranger to feeling absolutely lost in life, to having a hunch that I could be successful but having no idea how to get there, and to crying in the shower/bedroom/insert-room-of-your-choice over the idea that I’d never get where I wanted to go.
The truth is, I spent a lot of my early years of life thinking “I know there’s something out there for me...I just can’t figure out what it is.”
I grew up with this crazy notion that you went to school and then college - and at some point along the journey you’d have a MAGICAL MOMENT in which you’d get complete clarity about who you wanted to be when you grew up.
For years I waited for my moment…and waited…and waited…but it never came.
That’s because I was searching for the wrong thing.
Somewhere after I left my counseling career but before I became a motivational speaker (yeppp…I’ve had quite a few career pivots), I cracked the code on life satisfaction.

When I figured that out, I began creating my own opportunities.
Doing things that on paper I did not look qualified to do, but I was able to not just DO THEM but DO THEM WELL because I was confident and clear on what value I had to offer…and I had the skills to effectively message that to others.
What if you never again had to wonder what the heck to say when you walk into that networking meeting?
What if you were able to create content with ease, because you have a sales strategy foundation that can constantly will never run out - UNLIKE that list of caption prompts that you just purchased?
What if you realized that YES YOU HAVE A STORY - MANY STORIES ACTUALLY! - and you were able to tell them in a way that would attract dream customers to you with ease?
I’ve taken everything I learned from my own journey, coupled it with the mindset work I was so passionate about in my counseling career AND the business savvy I earned from coaching a social selling team to $14.2 million dollars in lifetime revenue and created a framework for you to follow.
It’s part woo-woo (because if your head isn’t in the right spot, nothing will change) and part good old fashioned work (because THINKING doesn’t create results, but DOING does), is simple to follow and comes with an incredible community of entrepreneurs to walk alongside.
It’s CHANGED THE GAME for 625 entrepreneurs and counting…
let it CHANGE the GAME for you too.
“I can’t believe I ever questioned the idea of investing in your program! Your coaching has been so invaluable - it’s strengthened my connection to my existing community and turned me into magnet for new opportunities! You’ve been a model and catalyst for me to grow, connect and show up authentically. THANK YOU is simply not enough to convey my gratitude!”
- Cristina Maduro, CEO CMG Style
Want to hear what other ACORN Alums have to say? Head over and check out our Testimonials.
In The News:
NYC Pix 11
“Networking With Confidence”
Fox 5 DC
“Working With Your Spouse”
CBS New york
“Market Yourself At Holiday Parties”
The list
“Sales Skills For Relationships + Beyond”
NYC Pix 11
“Sell Yourself On A First Date”
nbc 6 in the mix
“The Key To A Good First Impression”
What’s Your Sales Style?
We all have our own sales style; one that’s truly authentic to us. What’s yours?
Take this 10 question quiz (all multiple choice!) to learn how to maximize your natural strengths and get actionable tips to level up your sales game.