Episode 11 :: Shiny Object Syndrome : What It Is, Do You Have It, And What Can You Do About It?
She Sells, He Sells Podcast
Episode 11
Krista here! Call me old fashioned, out of touch, or even BOOMER (though we swear that I’m too young for that one haha), but I strongly believe that many times the “old” way of doing things IS the better way.
As a society, trends often drive us. New, cool, SHINY ways of doing things. And don't get me wrong, I’m all for a good life hack! But in entrepreneurial culture, this can often be fatal to a business.
Much like parenting, there’s no playbook when you run your own business (but if you’re willing to write a good one on both topics, I’ll be your first customer). The flexibility and freedom that comes with that is liberating, but the decision fatigue that it brings can be debilitating.
When we see a new fad or hear a marketing tagline with a promise to make it all easy, the tendency is to say “SIGN ME UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!” This isn't inherently bad. Innovation is key and one small change really does have the power to impact business in significant ways.
HOWEVER. When we fall into a thinking pattern that tells us there is always something new and shiny out there to chase, we forget to double down on what we already have. We jump from thing to thing, letting a disease of distraction seep into all that we do.
Instead of following through with what we have begun, we’re constantly pivoting to another strategy, another technique, maybe even another business. One that maybe is more trendy or fresh. The old thing is scrapped in favor of the new one. Instead of adapting and evolving, a cycle of throwing out good ideas happens.
There has to be a way to beat this, right? How do we not continue to pursue the “sexier” opportunity?
As someone who loves something new, bright and sparkly (honey if you’re reading this YES this is your hint that it’s time to upgrade our kitchen :) ), I’ve had to spend time making sure I keep my blinders on and stay obedient to what I’ve already created, instead of rushing to creat more.
So without further ado, I present to you, my personal creation: “The Anti-Shiny Object Method”.
Having a strong idea of your character and your business helps with feeling more secure. Not every new fad can work for you and they won’t all fit with your authentic true self. Incorporate things that do, and trash the things that don't.
A refresh on your messaging is sometimes all you need to make something feel new again. This isn’t always easy, but it does allow you to breathe fresh life into what you’re doing without changing the integrity of the product or service itself. This can be hard work, but it really pays off. It conveys your message originally! Afterall, who likes a copycat?
Be clear! I always tell my kids that ‘clear is kind’. Don’t focus on the way other people say things. Do what feels real and right to you. This is what makes a good message that people easily connect with..
Avoiding shiny things can be hard, but I’d bargain to say that the most successful businesses have done just this. Know what aligns with you and your business, and forget the rest.
Ready to learn more about this? LISTEN HERE.