It’s Time You Met :: Erin Lyman

Erin Lyman

Bel Air, MD
I coach rising high school seniors on college application essays and work with job pivoters on their resumes, cover letters, and interviews.

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If the words ‘resume writing’ or ‘college application essay’ are a part of your current vernacular, you absolutely must meet Erin Lyman.  Erin is a master of her craft and coaches rising high school seniors on college application essays, while also working with job pivoters on their resumes, cover letters, and interviews.  She is as detailed as she is kind + brilliant, and we’re so excited for you to get to know her.


Q: Why did you decide to begin your own business?

A: I felt strongly about "keeping my foot in the door" when I was raising my 4 children, so I was always learning and coming up with business ideas. When we expanded by husband's business, it took longer than expected to grow. We were financially tight. I launched my business, and that income became answered prayers. It was just the financial cushion we needed. Five years later, my business has evolved and continues to grow.

Q: What's one thing about what you do that people might not know?

A: A big part of what I do is coaching. I'm not just an essay or resume editor. I help people along their journey, whether it's applying for college or a new job. I use my HR background to help people make big, life-changing decisions.

Q: Do you have a favorite quote or affirmation? What does it mean to you?

A: "If you want to run faster, then you have to run faster." As a runner, I am always trying to increase my speed and strength. I have read so many articles on these topics. A couple of years ago, I read something that has stayed with me. "If you want to run faster, then you have to run faster." Lightbulb! You aren't going to increase your speed just by thinking about it and reading about it. You have to do it! This goes with anything. If you want to see results, then you have to put in the work.


Favorite Vacation Spot: The Poconos

Favorite Disney Hero: Merida from Brave

Favorite Thing To Cook: Tacos!

Favorite Musical Artist: Chainsmokers

Favorite Book: These is My Words


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